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Baseball Divisions


The Rookie Division is our introduction to baseball after T-Ball. Per the Little League Baseball Age Calculator, players must be 6 years old to play. Any player that is 7 will be placed at the rookie level if they do not assess high enough to be placed in farm baseball. Seven year olds that do not attend any assessment sessions will automatically be placed in rookie baseball. Rookie Baseball is Machine Pitch. Watch this short YouTube video for a quick overview of our Mechanical Pitching Machines. For the first half of the season, players that do not get a hit off the machine in game will be able to use a Tee. The game is also played with a Rookie grade "Softie" ball. This ball is similar to T-Ball, but a bit more firm.

Played with 9 players in normal positions with potentially one extra outfielder serving as a 10th player.

Players may advance past first if they hit to the outfield. Early in the season the batter will receive a certain # of pitches from the machine, and if they do not make contact they can use the Tee. Later in the season the Tee is phased out. Teams record 3 outs or switch when 5 runs are scored per inning. No stealing of bases at this level.  

Field Dimensions and Special Rules:
60' bases. No pitching at this level. Catcher used. No drop 3rd, as it's machine pitch and tee work early season.


Farm Baseball is the next following Rookie Baseball. There is no mechanical pitching machine like in Rookie. However, there is a combination of player (with pitch counts) and coach pitching. The final two weeks of the season there is only player pitching. Typical age for this division is 8 year olds. There are some advanced 7 year olds in this division, as well as any 9 year olds that do not assess to the Minors Baseball Division. Pitching distance is 40' and bases are 60 feet.

Based on the  Little League Baseball Age Calculator; Ages 7, 8, 9 may play in the Farm Division. Advanced 7's, average 8's and less than average 9's.

Players who are age 9 or older will require approval by 2/3 vote of Player Agent, Division Coordinator, League VP’s and President to play in Farm. The Board may make decisions for any reason the Board deems appropriate, but most importantly will be the players safety to his or herself and the other players in the division. Only 9 year olds that do not assess to Minors are eligible.

With the idea that player pitching is being developed in practices, the season may start off as Coach Pitch Only. Teams will advance to player and coach pitch after 2-4 weeks of play. If a player delivers 4 balls, then a coach pitch to finish the at bat. Players can strike out, but cannot walk. Pitching distance is 40-46 feet while developing strikes. There is no stealing bases in Farm. Players do have the ability to advance more than one base after a hit.

The game is played with 9 players on defense. Three outs are recorded per inning or 5 run limit maximum. Pitchers will adhere to the Little League Pitch Count Rules.

** ONLY the top 1% of players "may" be considered at this level for post-season All-Star Play **


Minors Baseball consists of player only pitching, with pitch counts. Based on the Little League Baseball Age Calculator  typical age for this division is 9 and 10 year olds. ONLY the advanced top 5% of 8 year olds, per Assessment Scores, are eligible to play above the Farm Division.

Most 9 year olds are placed in this division. The majority of 10 year olds as well, but do know the top 5% of 10 year olds may move to the Major Division based on assessment, and with the dependency on how many 12 and 11 yr olds are in the Majors Division to form teams.

11 year olds that do not assess and have not played Majors the year prior, OR do not assess high enough for Majors, will be placed in the Minors level. Pitching distance is 46 feet. Bases are 60 feet.

Players are allowed to steal at this level. There is a5 run limit per inning with open innings after 4 innings. Little League 10-run mercy rule applies. Roster batting. No drop third strike. No lead-off.

Played with 9 players and pitchers adhere to the Little League Pitch Count Rules.

*Players in this division will qualify for post-season All-Star Play*.


Majors Division consists mostly of players 11 and 12 years old, based on the Little League Age Calculator

10 year olds may be eligible to play in this division, based on advanced Assessment Scores. 11 years olds that are coming from Minors MUST assess in order to be considered for Majors. Most 11 year olds will be in the Major Division. Only players that are deemed a safety risk, may stay at the Minor Division. Player Agent is responsible for placement.

The pitching distance is 46 feet in this division and bases are 60 feet. Pitch Counts are monitored per the Little League Pitch Count Rules.  As with each division of player pitch, pitch counts will apply.

Roster batting with Little League 15 and 10 run mercy rules in effect. No limit on runs per inning. Stealing allowed, and dropped 3rd strike. No lead-off.

*Players in this division will qualify for post-season All-Star Play*.

INTERMEDIATE "50/70" (Age 13 yrs)

The Intermediate Division is for players ages 11, 12 and 13 based on the Little League Age Calculator 12 year olds do have the option to sign up for either Majors OR Intermediate at the time of registration before Assessments, however are not guaranteed to be placed there. 11 year olds may only be eligible by special request, assessment and with approval for the Board.  This Divisions is comprised mostly of 13 year olds.

Pitching distance in this division is 50 feet, while bases are 70 feet. Little League mercy rules are in effect. Pitch Count rules per Little League apply.

Roster or Lineup Batting. Leading off is allowed.

Please understand that we cannot guarantee players League Age 11 and 12 a spot in the 50/70 Division. A player's placement in 50/70 is based on several factors including the number of players registered by age group, the number of teams in the division, and player assessments. If your child is not placed on a team in the 50/70 division, he or she will be placed in the Major Division. Final decisions on player placement are determined by the Player Agent and Board.

*Players in this division will qualify for post-season All-Star Play*.


The Junior Division of play is typically ages 13 and 14 years old based on the Little League Age Calculator.

Pitching distance is set to 60 feet 6 inches, with a local league option to shorten to 54 feet for regular season play. Bases are set at 90 feet. Little League pitch count rules apply.

Lineup or Roster batting. Little league 10 and 15 run mercy rules apply.

*Players in this division will qualify for post-season All-Star Play*.

Contact Us


Clackamas Little League, P.O. Box 52
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Email: [email protected]


Clackamas Little League, P.O. Box 52
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Email: [email protected]
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