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All-Star Mandatory Play

Little League rules govern mandatory play requirements. The rules in All-Star tournaments are substantially different from those that govern CLL's regular season. The rules are as follows:

Mandatory Play

If a tournament team has 12 or fewer eligible players in uniform at a game, every player on the team roster must participate in each game for a minimum of 6 consecutive defensive outs and bat at least one time.

If a tournament team has 13 or more eligible players in uniform at a game, every player on a team roster must participate in each game for a minimum of one at bat.

CLL's All-Star teams will carry a minimum roster of 12 players unless there are not enough players available. CLL does encourage managers to select 13 players. Please understand that this means it is possible a player will play in a game in which he or she bats only once and does not play in the field (if 13).. 

 Batting Order

During the regular season, District 2 and CLL require that teams use a continuous batting order (CBO), which means that the entire roster of players present at a game must be in the batting order. Little League does not allow the use of a CBO during All Stars. Instead, the batting order consists of the current defensive players. This means that players not playing defensive positions do not bat.


Any player who has been removed from a game for a substitute player may re-enter the game in the same position in the batting order.

A substitute entering the game for the first time may not be removed before completion of his/her mandatory play requirements. This means that if a team has 13 players, a substitute may be removed after batting once. If a team has 12 players, a substitute may be removed after playing 6 consecutive defensive outs and batting once. 

A starting player and his/her substitute must not be in the lineup at the same time.

 Focus on Competitiveness 

The focus of CLL's All-Star teams is to produce teams that represent CLL's goals of good teamwork, good sportsmanship, and excellence on the field. This latter goal has greater emphasis during All-Stars and fielding competitive teams takes a high priority. This focus on success, when coupled with Little League's mandatory play rules noted above, can result in players who find they spend significant game time on the bench or play unfamiliar positions. While these can be excellent learning and emotional growth opportunities for players and parents, some are surprised and disappointed when it happens to them.

Managers must communicate with each player and parent before the All-Star tournament to prepare them for the difference in approach and the fact that not all players will get the playing time that they desire. While coaches should endeavor to give each player an opportunity to demonstrate their ability during the All Star tournament, players and parents should recognize that the coaches’ view as to the best approach for team success will control the decision-making process.

Contact Us


Clackamas Little League, P.O. Box 52
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Email: [email protected]


Clackamas Little League, P.O. Box 52
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Email: [email protected]
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